Employment Law

Def: Employment law generally refers to the law governing the relationship of an individual employee to an employer

Employment Law at David Oziel Lawfirm LLP

We advise both employers and employees on all facets of the employment relationship.
We offer specialized advice in employment law, including contract negotiation, wrongful and constructive dismissal, non-complete and non-solicit restrictive clauses, disciplinary measures, human rights, and Employment Standards issues.

We assist both in negotiating individual employment contracts and severance contracts.

It is in your interests to avoid costly litigation. We can help in this regard.
But where it is impossible to negotiate an amicable resolution to a matter, we have the experience to represent you and take pride to represent our clients before mediators, arbitrators, tribunals and Courts.

Given the amount of time that you spend daily at your job building a career, a problem at work or a disruption in that relationship can be extremely stressful.
You may be fearful, angry, or confused about how to deal with it.  The David Oziel Lawfirm LLP is here to help resolve employment issues in a reasonable and peaceful manner.

Our employment lawyers can ensure that your employee rights are protected and upheld:
  • Severance Package Reviews – If you have been recently terminated, you should have your termination letter reviewed to ensure that you are not signing away your rights to any severance that you may be entitled to.
  • Contract Reviews – Have your contract reviewed before starting your new dream job to save expense later if things go sour. You should have things like non-compete or non-solicitation clauses, termination clauses or severance amounts, and discretionary bonus clauses all reviewed by a lawyer experienced with employment issues.
  • Fired for Cause – It is normally implied within the employment relationship that the employer may terminate employment for very good reason. If you have been fired for cause, talk to an employment lawyer to make sure the termination is legal.
  • Severance Pay – are you entitled to severance pay? Although many people interchange the two, severance pay is distinct from termination pay. Severance pay is an amount of money paid to an employee by an employer under certain conditions specified by the employment standards act.
  • Termination Pay – are you entitled to termination pay? Termination pay is the minimums set out by the Employment Standards Act.
  • Payment in Lieu of Notice – are you entitled to payment in lieu of notice? Payment in lieu of notice is different from termination pay. Payment in Lieu of Notice, otherwise called common law notice. The Employment Standards Act provides the minimum amount of notice. In some cases, there is also the common law notice period requirement, resulting in enhanced termination pay depending on certain conditions.

At David Oziel Lawfirm LLP our lawyers understand that a termination of employment affects you not only financially – but also emotionally.  

We strive is to do everything we can to resolve issues quickly for our clients.

The vast majority of our employment cases are settled amicably and quickly – without the need to go to Court. We do everything possible to try and achieve a peaceful and fair resolution as quickly as possible – in order to allow you to close that chapter and get on with your life.

Need legal advice?

If you would like us to help you navigate the laws of business, get in touch with us for a preliminary call.

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